Humanist Weddings

Your ceremony is the reason everyone is there, it should take centre stage and be the star of the show!

A humanist wedding allows you to choose the promises you want to make, involve the people you love, include humour, surprise elements, symbolic actions and anything else that feels right for you. Your ceremony will set the tone for your day and also allows you to begin married life as you mean to go on – with intention, love, honesty and huge full hearts.

For so many people one of the most treasured and memorable days in their lives has been hijacked by outdated ideas, traditions that don’t speak to them or stale registry vibes, with the same words said for the people before you as the people after you. Well not on my watch! 

I’ll work with you on every element of your ceremony to ensure all the things which feel important to you are woven in. Equally, we can ditch anything that doesn’t feel right. You might want to make small changes to old traditions, or you might want to scrap them all together and make your own new traditions. The most important thing is that every element has been considered and is intentional. This way we end up with a something completely personal, meaningful and written just for you. 

How it works:

  1. We have a no-obligation meet-up, call or zoom chat. We have a natter, you can ask any questions you might have and suss me out. This also gives me the chance to get a feel of what kind of couple you are and what kind of wedding you want.
  2. You decide I’m the celebrant for you (great choice!), I take a non-refundable deposit and your date is saved in my diary.
  3. I send you some homework (don’t worry it’s a fun kind) that you do together and separately. Lots of people like to make this into a date night activity, order in a pizza, crack open some wine (or non-boozy equivalent) and get reminiscing.
  4. We meet up and talk through your answers. We’ll delve a little deeper into who you are as a couple. By this point, I’ll have a good idea of the kind of feel you want for your ceremony and we’ll explore this further.
  5. I begin creating your bespoke, original ceremony. I’ll send this over for you to peruse. If there’s anything you want tweaking or changing just let me know.
  6. It can be really helpful to have a rehearsal beforehand. It can help a couple’s nerves as well as ensure everyone knows their positioning and what’s going to happen.
  7. Your wedding day is here! Wahoo! I will arrive in plenty of time and ensure all the key players feel confident in their roles in your ceremony. I will then deliver your bespoke, one-of-a-kind ceremony.

-Good vibrations-